Building & Facilities
If you are interested in using our beautiful, historical building for weddings, memorials, meetings, etc. contact ARNY STIEBER, cell: 734-216-1814. We also can accommodate music events. Take advantage of our grand piano and/or provide your own instruments and/or vocal skills. We have high speed internet and a smart 55″ flat screen so your event can be broadcast on Zoom or other services. We ask for a sliding scale donation for building use and that your event abide by our Seven Principals (see “About”) which are basically respect for everyone. If you’re looking for a beautiful venue with great acoustics, seats about 150, broadcast ready and plenty of parking, contact us!!! The building’s accessible entrance is via the Right Side Annex.
4/22/2022. Beginning Sunday, May 1, 2022 and until further notice please observe the following:
- If you don’t feel well, please do not come.
- Mask are optional. Masks are available if you forget yours.
- All people are encouraged to continue to use hand sanitizer.
- Groups using the building must follow the same guidelines plus their group’s specific protocols.
- If you come down with COVID-19 after attending an event in the building, please contact Nancy Hallock at (315) 533-7067 or at
These guidelines will remain in effect until further notice. If you have questions, call the numbers above.

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