Reverend Andrea Abbott

Not Religion–Relationship

Our lives are involved in learning how to relate to ourselves, each other and the world around us.  This sermon explores some of the ways in which this is at the heart of every religion.

A Tale of Two Lakes, A River and Some Streams

Every week we collect coins for Pure Water for the World. This sermon explores the significance of water both for our physical lives and for our spiritual lives. A trip to Africa last winter and a look at local lakes and rivers contributed to this reflection.


Life often resembles the arcade game, Whack-A-Mole.  Can the moles ever be truly vanquished?  If not, how do we adjust in order to live with the moles that pop up again and again.  A somewhat silly summer sermon.


Summerland is a land of never ending possibilities and delights, the land of perpetual youth and promise. The themes of friendship, memory, change and acceptance run through these thoughts about summer. The reading “The Summer Day” by Mary Oliver.


In light of the tragedy in Orlando, this Sunday’s service is an exploration of anger and violence as part of our global culture. In particular, I hope to explore how violence is placing democracy at risk. There will be time for meditation and reflection after the sermon.

Flower Communion

EVERYONE IS ASKED TO BRING A FLOWER – Flower Communion will be celebrated as part of the service on Sunday, June 12. In this ceremony, members of the congregation are asked beforehand to bring a flower to the Sunday service. Upon entering the sanctuary, each person places his or her flower on the altar or … Continued