This page is for meetings or events involving or hosted by 1st U or our partner organizations. For more Information on 1st U’s past and present events, including internal committee meetings and congressional meetings, see the monthly Newsletter section of this site.

We are pleased and honored to welcome Girl Scout Troop 10871 to the 1st U community!      

 NOVEMBER     Services and Book Club are also on Zoom

3rd  Sunday.  8:30 AM Board meeting in the dining room.   All Are Welcome

15th  Friday.  Red Cross Blood Drive.  1:30-6:30 p.m.   First Baptist Church 701 N Main St., Central Square NY.

When you come to give blood the Red Cross will say thanks by sending you a $10 e-gift card to a merchant of your choice.*   PLUS, you’ll also be automatically entered for a chance to win a $7,000 gift card! There will be two lucky winners!

Please tell your friends and neighbors about this drive and consider donating yourself.  It is highly encouraged that you schedule an appointment but walk-ins may be welcome if all appointments do not fill.  You can schedule an appointment by visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS.

21st Thursday.  Mammography Van, 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM.   (Volunteers needed. See Social Justice Committee below.)

23rd Saturday.  Thanksgiving Dinner!   Turkey with all the trimmings!  Deserts!  Pay what you can.  3-6 PM.  American Legion, 3301 Fulton Ave., Central Square, NY.  To go orders 315-380-8859.  Hosted by Girl Scout Troop 13036.  Part of the proceeds will purchase toys for the Central Square Lions Club Christmas basket.

27th  Wednesday  2:00 PM Book Club on Zoom. Book – “Susan, Linda, Nina, & Cokie”

 ***  Please continue to send in your pledges. And know that Trustees and Ministers are available for support if needed


#  Brewerton Center for the Arts.  315-676-5838;  See their  Web Site for details on all classes and events.


*  YOGA for ALL with Becca – every Wednesday, Thursday @ 6pm and Sunday @ 11am.
*  SOUND BATHS, Meditation and YOGA with Moka Yoga – every Monday @ 6pm (please pre register)
*  FREE Beginner Guitar Lessons with Jonah (bring your own guitar) – every Monday and Friday 3:00pm – 5:00pm
*  THE POWER of SOUND Workshop with Becca and Ginny – every Wednesday.


#  LGBTQ+  Support 

*  SAGE:  Advocacy & Services for LGBTQ+ Elders.
*  Call Blackline:  800-604-5841   (Centers BI&POC, LGBTQ+  Black Femme Lens)
*  Trans Lifeline:  877-565-8860   (Run by and for Trans people)
*  Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Line:  888-407-4515  (Trained peer supporters)
*  StrongHearts Native Helpline:  844-7628483  (Centering Native Americans & Alaskan Natives)
* Thrive Lifeline:  313-662-8209  (Trans led and operated)
* LGBT National Help Center:  888-843-4564