Circle of Fellowship
The First Universalist Church of Central Square
A Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Rev. Margaret Hart, Minister 625-4485Rev. Libbie Stoddard, Assoc. Minister 343-4352
Tim Hart, President 625-4485
Ronna Schindler, Religious Education Coordinator 623-7685
Rita Thornton, Organist & Choir Director 669-6961
Our Church Building Is Handicapped Accessible
P. O. Box 429 Routes 49 West & 11, Central Square, NY 13036 (315) 668-6821
June 2006
The mission of the First Universalist Church of Central Square is to be a welcoming, diverse congregation,
which values spiritual growth and service to the local and world communities.
Dear friends,
We are on the cusp of summer, it seems. With the Annual Meeting and elections
for the Board and the budget less than a week away as I write this, it feels as
though change is in the air. We will be celebrating the tradition of Flower
Communion on June 25th. You are invited to bring a flower or a twig
with you that morning to contribute to a common bouquet. Each of us will leave
with a different flower or twig than the one we brought. Please join in this
celebration in which we recognize that the whole is greater, more beautiful, and
richer, than the sum of its parts, that each of us contributes something unique,
and that we receive gifts from our association with this
However we decide to do church together, is our decision. We can hold back,
and try to conserve our resources of time, talent, and treasure (the three T's).
Each of us can choose to invest the three T's in a variety of different places,
and we do. We can also choose to flourish and grow as a church. That will take
the investment of time, talent, and treasure in our church community. If we
don't do it, who will? I have a feeling that even as we choose to invest our
energy in a variety of places, we will also choose to invest it here,
generously. I am hopeful that we are off to a new start, full of energy and
ideas which will bear fruit in the new church year. Let's not wait until fall to
begin, but let's have a great summer, together. As we visit various places, may
we be refreshed and renewed.
May we also think with fondness of our church community, and ways in which we can bring some of our renewed energy and new-found ideas back to share with this community of life and hope. While you're at it, please gather a water sample (a small vial like a film canister will do) to bring back to the in-gathering celebration on September 10th. This celebration is a high point for me, as we gather together once again, renewed in our different paths and in our common faith.
See you in church.
With Love & Respect,
Margaret Hart
Organist and Choir Director Rita Thornton counted 52 people in attendance at the May 7th service, 27 people on May 14th, 40 people on May 21st, 40 people on May 28th and 32 people on June 4th.
During May the income was $4,739.00 which included a $2,800.00 donation from the UU Circle with expenses of $5,297.00. This is the end of the church year. During the year the income was $41,613.00. The main sources of income were pledges $29,554.00 and fundraising events $5,913.00 (including the UU Circle). The expenses were $40,742.00 with salaries $22,830.00 and utilities $4,530.00 as the major items.
Chet Perkins, Treasurer
The Centennial Photo Directories are here. If you have not done so, please pick up your copy at the church on Sunday mornings. If you can not get it there, please call me at 635-5294 and I will gladly send you a copy in the mail.
I would like to extend my thanks to all who helped in completing this project, committee members, those who donated photos, Mary Perkins for writing up the history, Kate Stanton who collected and typed the directory section and all who made my job as coordinator easier.
We have been notified of a mistake or two, we'll send corrections through the newsletter as we receive them. If anyone has corrections, please let me know.
Thanks to all,
Nancy Haskell
The next Coffee and Chat will be held on June 21st at Panera Bread on Route 31, town of Clay. We generally gather between 9:15 and 9:30 a.m. All women of the church are invited to join us for fellowship and delicious baked goods.
Hope to see you there.
Nancy Haskell
Our choir rehearses Sunday mornings starting at 9:30a.m. On June 10th we will have our ususal second Saturday of every month extended choir rehearsal from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Anyone interested in singing is welcome to join us.
Rita Thornton
Choir Director
On Tuesday, June 20th, Sam & Claire Neale will hold a Pasta
Supper at our church. The cost is $5 per person, and a $20 maximum per family.
Food will be served from 4:00pm until 7:00pm. Dinner will include pasta,
meatballs, salad, bread, and drinks courtesy of the Pepsi Bottling Group. All
proceeds benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Since Claire's twin sisters, Janine & Doreen Reisert of Westchester County,
were born with CF 29 years ago, Claire and her family have been involved as
volunteers for the CF Foundation. Sam & Claire moved to Central New York
about 2 years ago and are currently serving on the CNY CF Foundation Board of
Mike DiGiovanni
Please have items for the next newsletter to me by no later than Noon on Saturday, July1st. If you can send your articles to me at early it would be a big help.Ellen LaPine
SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE June is Oswego County’s White Ribbon Campaign to End Abuse Against Women.
Ribbons will be available at church for a $1.00 donation all month. Adopt-a-Highway’s next pick-up is the weekend of July 22-23, depending on
rain, heat and sign-ups. There will be Equal Exchange coffee, cocoa mix and baking cocoa available at
church or call me at 675-8357 to place an order for yourself. Thank you to all who supported the SJC this year. Planning, cooking,
participating, attending, donating are all important to our success.
Nancy Hallock,
Social Justice Committee Chairperson
TYPER....TPYO....TYPEOOH......... Please excuse the typo on the draft of church safety policies I handed out at
the Annual Meeting. The first paragraph under "Building" should read
"When the church is in session, or outside groups are using both floors,
all doors should be Unlocked." Thanks to all of the eagle eyed folks
who spotted this typo. I’d like everyone to review this draft and get back to me with changes or
suggestions. Thank you.
Rev. Libbie Stoddard
PICNIC POSTPONED The annual church picnic which was scheduled for June 11th has
been postponed since many church members had other conflicting commitments that
day and would not be able to attend. New date to be announced. We thank the
Meldrim’s for the generous offer of hosting the picnic again this year. Sorry
for any inconvenience this may have caused.
UU CIRCLE NEWS The UU circle will be organizing a dinner each month. This is a good chance
to be able to chat more, get to know each other better and just have a good
time. Dinners will be held at a location that is easy driving distance for
everyone. If you have any questions about the monthly dinners, please get in
touch with Tim Hart or ask any member of the UU circle Committee. A big thank you to all of you that so generously donated to this year's
auction and an equally big thank you to all of you who came to the auction and
bid on the wonderful assortment that was available this year. You have all made
it a success. Thank you also for those that donated and purchased plants. This
annual event not only has helped us to all have more beautiful and greener
backyards, but has also been a good fund raiser. Funds that are raised by the UU Circle go to a vairety of places. Each year
we give money to the church and to charities. UU circle funds are also used for
supplies that may be needed in the church. We have purchased a microwave and
recently a beautiful iced tea jar. Flowers and cards are purchased with UU
Circle funds for those that are ill or hospitalized. The UU Circle also arranges
for a variety of social get togethers during the year, theater trips, brunches,
dinners and concerts. If you are new to our church and haven't been to any of
these events, ask any member about them and then plan on joining us next time.
Ann Peterson
Secretary Treasurer UU Circle
HERBAL VINEGAR CLASS There will be a herbal vinegar making class on Tuesday night, June 13th
at 6 pm. The cost is $15. I hope you can attend and can bring a friend too!
Cynthia Schell
"Mad Agnes isn't really mad at all, unless mad also means quirky, intelligent, warm, insightful, and humorous. Mad Agnes’ music – created by Margo Hennebach, Adrienne Jones, and Mark Saunders – delights, incites, and heals. They do it with rich, heart-rending three-part harmonies, synergistic musicianship, and clever song writing that is at once familiar and completely unique. Witness this for yourself at:
The First Universalist Church of Central Square
Friday, June 16 at 7:30 PM
Adults $10 / Children $5
For advance sale tickets contact Janie Garlow at or call 436-2238 or see a UU Circle member at church. Visit their website to learn more."brims with funny showmanship, the most agile, rambunctious harmonies and intense beauty."
--Boston Herald
The CNY Chapter of CUUPS will be holding a Summer Solstice Ritual at May Memorial UU Society on Sunday June 25th at 10:30AM. All are welcome to attend. The planning meeting will be held on Thursday June 8th from 7-8:30PM at 203 S. Beech Street in Syracuse, home of Jody Brown. Anyone interested in helping to plan the service is invited to attend. If you need directions, please call 476-0447.
Jody Brown
St. Lawrence District Youth Coordinator
The 2006 Annual Congregational Meeting was held after church on June 4th. Several reports were given by committees, Board members, program directors and the clergy all showing accomplishments in 2005-2006 and vision for the coming year.
An addition to the By-Laws was approved which will state "At the April Board meeting, the Nominating Committee will submit a list of candidates for the Executive Board positions for the coming year."
The following slate of officers was approved:
President - Tim Hart Vice President - Steve Garlow Treasurer - Judy Linder
Recording Secretary - Ellen LaPine Corresponding Secretary - Sheila Emborski Registrar - Betty Figie
Trustee (3 years) - Winfield Ihlow Trustees continuing their terms are Sandy Harned (2 years) and Glen Venskus (1 year).
Marilyn Nye will serve on the nominating committee (3 years) with Winfield Ihlow (2 years) and Kurt Schindler (1 year) continuing their terms.
Heartfelt thanks was given to many folks who gave their help, knowledge, time and support during the year including outgoing Board members Janie Garlow, Nancy Hallock, Chet Perkins and Mike DiGiovanni.
Ellen LaPine
Recording Secretary
"Mistakes are the dues one pays for a full life."~Sophia Loren
During some years in the past we have not held a service around July 4th. This year Rev. Libbie Stoddard will be leading services for those who want to attend.
JUNE 6, 13, 20, 27 & JULY 11: *6:45 p.m. Chanting & Meditation meeting
JUNE 9-11: *Annual Gathering of Men at Unirondack.
JUNE10: *9:30 a.m. Extended Choir Rehearsal, Interreligious Council Duck Race
JUNE 11: *9:30 a.m. - Choir practice. *10:30 a.m.-Worship service Rev. Libbie Stoddard, *11:00 a.m. - Religious Education.
JUNE 13: *6:00 p.m. Herbal Vinegar Class
JUNE 16: *7:30 Mad Agnes Concert
JUNE 17: * 11-1:30 Adult RE "Racism: The Power of an Illusion" part 2
JUNE 18: *9:30 a.m.-Choir practice. *10:30 a.m.-Worship service, Centennial Committee . *11:00 a.m. - Religious Education (last formal RE until fall).
JUNE 20: *4-7:00 p.m. - CF Pasta Supper
JUNE 21: *9:15 a.m. Coffee & Chat @ Panera Bakery.
JUNE 24: *11-3:00 p.m. - Adult RE "Racism: The Power of an Illusion" part 3.
JUNE 25: *9:30 a.m.-Choir practice. * 10:30 a.m.-Worship service, Rev. Margaret Hart, Flower Communion.
JULY 1: *Noon - Newsletter deadline
JULY 2: *9:30 a.m.-Choir practice. *10:30 a.m.-Worship service, Rev. Libbie Stoddard.
JULY 8: *9:30 a.m. Extended Choir Rehearsal
JULY 9: *9:30 a.m.-Choir practice. *10:30 a.m.-Worship service, Centennial Committee .