Circle of Fellowship Newsletter

The First Universalist Society of Central Square

A Unitarian Universalist Congregation


Rev. Margaret Hart, Minister                            625-4485

Rev. Libbie Stoddard, Associate Minister        343-4352

Ronna Schindler, Religious Ed. Coordinator   623-7685

Rita Thornton, Organist & Choir Director         699-6961

Janie Garlow, Newsletter Editor                      436-2238


Our Church Building is Handicapped Accessible


P O Box 429                           Routes 49 West & 11

Central Square NY  13036              (315) 668-6821       





The mission of the First Universalist Society of Central Square is to be a welcoming, diverse congregation, which values spiritual growth and service to the local and world community.


JUNE 2007

                                                         MINISTERIAL MUSINGS
Dear friends,
        The school year and the church year are winding up.  By the time you
receive this newsletter, we will have already had the annual congregational meeting, with the
opportunity and responsibility that comes with it.  Our church is a democratic institution, and relies upon our participation.  We elect officers and a Board of directors; we vote to accept a budget for the coming year; we conduct a variety of items of church business.  It is our auspicious responsibility to do so.
We are all in this together.  We make the church work.  Thank you all for your participation.
        We will be having Sunday services throughout the summer, except for
the Labor Day weekend, September 2.  September 9 will be our Ingathering Service,
with a Water Ceremony.  Please collect a small vial of water during the summer (a
film canister is a good size), and you will have the opportunity during the Water Ceremony to pour the water into a common vessel, while sharing briefly about the water’s significance.  In some Unitarian Universalist churches, a small stone may be contributed during the ingathering service in place of a water sample. I’d be
open to having you do that if you so choose.  When I was at the First Universalist Society of Rochester recently, they used small stones in the Joys and Sorrows segment of the service.  We might like to try that with stones you
contribute to the ingathering service. 
        Have a great summer. I hope to see you in church.
With love and respect,
Margaret Hart


                                                    PRAYERS TO THE CLARK FAMILY
Former member of our church, Warren Clark, (married to Junice) died May 23 with cancer.  His sisters, Vera Mae Nessmiller and Virginia Ladd, are also former members of this church.  Vera also has cancer, and I’m sure would welcome cards from people who know her.  They can be sent to Vera Mae Nessmiller, 125 County Route 4, Central Square, NY 13036. Ginny is feeling quite lonely, having experienced much loss, and would also welcome notes from her friends. Her address is in the directory.                                                             

                                                       FLOWER COMMUNION
On June 24 we will celebrate Flower Communion during the Sunday service.
Please bring a flower, or leafy twig, from your garden or yard to contribute to the common vase; you will leave with something different from that which you brought. If you can bring an extra flower or twig, that could allow participation by a visitor or someone who doesn’t remember to bring one.  Thank you.

                                                                 Mad Agnes

Mad Agnes is returning to our church on Friday, June 29 at 7:30.

Admission is $15, Seniors $12, children 12 under free. Come and enjoy the experience.

Their harmony-driven performance offers an eclectic mix of contemporary singer-songwriter material with influences of classical, Celtic, folk/rock, PDQ Bach, and a touch of street theatre. Their lyrics, vocal intricacies and instrument prowess make for a joyful evening. Visit their website at


                                                              GREEN MINUTES 

Very soon you'll see more containers to use for recycling showing up at church as we move to a green sanctuary.  Besides recycling at church here are some other ideas you can use to reduce waste.

 - Give books to someone else, a library, used book store, childcare facility or a nonprofit organization.  Some organizations have fund raisers selling used books

 - Reuse packaging materials such as Styrofoam "peanuts" and bubble wrap, or give to a local ship-it or office supply store.  Know an eBay seller?  They can always use packing material.

 - Buy beverages in refillable/returnable bottles.  Buy a refillable water bottle and bring your own water from home.  Much cheaper than buying water. 

 - Bring your own mug if you stop at the local convenience store for your morning coffee.  Many stores have a lower refill price for using your own mug.

 - Bring your own bags when you shop.  Many stores now have reusable bags for $1 each.

Every small step becomes a giant leap as more and more of us chose to reduce the amount of waste we create and in many cases it can save us money too!

The Social Justice Committee "Green Team


                                                      SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE

The Oswego County White Ribbon Campaign is this month. A $1.00 donation for each ribbon benefits SAF ~ Services to Aid Families and the Abuse and Assault Hotline.

White Ribbons will be available at church during the month of June. Wear a white ribbon to show your support to end abuse against women.

The next SJC meeting is Friday, June 15 at 6:00 PM. All are invited!



We would like to thank Cherie and Mike Digiovanni, Janie Garlow, Pam and John Landers, Larry Linder and Bob Haskell for serving as greeters and /or hostess at the coffee hour. Volunteers are needed for June and July. See Chet Perkins or Larry Linder if you would like to help.

An interesting E-mail was received from two of our visitors to the service on May 20.    

“My daughter and I want to thank you for making us feel very welcome while we were at your church today for Dave’s talk. We had a nice conversation about how everyone was eager to introduce themselves and it was very pleasant and that is what life should be more of. Thanks Again”

Submitted by Chester Perkins


                                                     VIDEO AND DISCUSSION GROUP

The Video and Discussion Group will meet at church at 7:00. The group will watch  the PBS program "Bill Moyers Journal." In one segment, Moyers talks with British intellectual Jonathan Miller about belief and disbelief. In a second segment, Moyers focuses on Regent University where the Rev. Pat Robertson is working to ensure that biblical principles are reflected in the law of the land. In a third segment, Moyers talks with Nick Gillespie, editor-in-chief of the libertarian monthly “Reason” magazine. The schedule is subject to change. All are invited.


                                                     HOLISTIC WELLNESS FAIR

Last year, Claudia Jenks and I took over the annual Marketplace Craftfair. For this fall, as many of you now know, I have changed the Craft fair to a Holistic Wellness Fair since the craft fair is no longer as successful as it once was. I think this will be an exciting and rewarding change for the church and for the community. It is tentatively planned for November 3rd. The fair will encompass numerous wellness related things including: free blood pressure checks, anxiety & depression screenings, massages, psychic readings, chiropractics, exercise, reiki, tables with items for sale within the theme, such as handmade soap, crystals, herbs, healthy food and goodies, etc. Claudia will continue to work on this fair with me--thank goodness! You can contact either her or myself if you have more ideas, connections or contributions of your talents and skills.  Any ideas related to the holistic wellness theme are welcome! We have just begun organizing it and will begin contacting potential contributors soon.

Submitted by Ginny Glahn ~ Marketplace Committee


                                                             COFFEE AND CHAT

Coffee and Chat group will meet on Wednesday, June 20th, at Panera's Bakery on Route 31 in Clay.  All women of the church are welcome to join us for casual conversation, coffee or tea, and goodies.  Contact Nancy Haskell for further information.  The men will also meet at that time, contact person is Chet Perkins.  Hope to see you there.


                                                           LOOKING FOR A VCR

Does anyone have a VCR they would consider selling or loaning?  Chris Squires is in need of a VCR to do some detective work as soon as possible. You may contact Chris at 532-6714 or . Thanks


                                                            MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL

The date to see Syracuse Stage's production of Menopause the Musical has been changed to Thursday, July 19th.  Please contact Ellen LaPine for more info


                                              B&B RESOURCE IN SARATOGA SPRINGS

Want to visit Saratoga Springs in the summertime to enjoy the fabled Flat Track? Or visit the renowned Saratoga Performing Arts Center to see the New York City Ballet or the Philadelphia Orchestra performances? The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Saratoga Springs offers reasonably priced bed and breakfast services for visitors to the Saratoga area. You do not have to be a member of a UU church to stay in one of our B&B houses. Members of our church provide Bed and Breakfast facilities in lovely private homes in and around Saratoga Springs. All proceeds benefit the church. We offer a broad spectrum of accommodations featuring private or shared baths, full or continental breakfasts, for the whole family or just for adults. Rates: $85 per night, single or double occupancy. Reservations a week or more in advance preferred. Please call 518 584 1555 to initiate a reservation or have your questions answered.


                                                     SYRACUSE COMMUNITY CHOIR
                                                    Annual Summer Solstice Concert
When:  6:00 – 8:00 pm, Sunday, June 10, 2007
Where: Erwin First Methodist Church
920 Euclid Ave  Syracuse, NY
What: Syracuse Community Choir (SCC) World Citizen Summer Solstice
Concert. Join us at Erwin First Methodist Church June 10th, as we sing
songs that acknowledge and embrace our individual and collective
connection to each other and the world as caretakers, guardians and

                                         FROM THE PRODUCER OF THE GROUND TRUTH

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support, your belief that my film can make a difference and just for all the hard and quiet work that goes into showing up and making this happen and filling the room- when people ask me how the film is doing – I always smile and say – it lives on – it has a life of its own” –  Best, Patricia Foulkrod

The process did take on an energy of its own. We had 210 at the show who will continue to carry the message. Thank you!


                                                      MEN'S GATHERING

When: June 8th-10th

Where: Unirondack

In a rare opportunity, men of all ages, colors, creeds, and sexual orientations gather each year to share our experiences as men and explore what it means to be a man. We find ourselves renewed and reinvigorated as we talk openly about our lives and hopes. There are workshops to partake in and hiking or canoe trips to join. In all of our activities, from preparing meals together to sharing at the campfire, we enjoy the fellowship of other men. For more information contact Kurt Schindler or Winfield Ihlow

                               A MESSAGE FROM OUR OUT GOING PRESIDENT  

     I thought last month’s article was going to be my last, as we would have
elected a new president by the time this newsletter would be printed. Well, I’m going
to write one last article. When I was thanking people for the painting project that
did so much to beautify our church last month; I was working from a list of
participants that was given to me. The list, modestly, did not include our wonderful Building & Grounds committee chair, Arne Hook (he gave me the note and left himself
off of it). Arne deserves some special thanks for all that he did on painting, he not
only supervised the painting by assigning tasks for everyone but he also worked
right along with everyone all day long (and even bought pizza for the entire
crew). I think of Arne as the “Robin Hood” of building and grounds, leading his band of
merry men & women, to keep our church looking and functioning well. He has done
so much behind the scenes that people don’t know about. Thank you Arne!
     An early congratulations to Libbie on her upcoming retirement that will start in early July. She has given us 9 fine years of service and for this we are so grateful. Thank you Libbie!

     Many members of our congregation probably are not familiar with the guide lines that the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) sets forth for retired ministers. I think it’s important for all of us to be aware of at least some of them, so I will share a little of what I know to try to clarify the situation. When a minister retires they break contact with their congregation so that the interim or replacement minister can fully take over ministerial duties in the church. This happened to Max Coots in Canton after 34 years of service and as a result we were lucky enough to get him here in Central Square (part time) while he was severing his ties with Canton.  When Margaret Hart was doing her one year internship in Ithaca, she was told not to have contact with the Central Square Church that she had served for several years, so that Bob Cleveland, the interim minister, could feel more comfortable as minister. These requirements were not easy for Max, Margaret, and loads of other UU ministers who have been asked to do the same (or for their congregations).
There are some good reasons for these requirements that someone like Tom Chulak, our district executive director could explain much better than I (you can e-mail or call him if you’re interested in knowing more). Our new Board will be working out a similar agreement with Libbie concerning her involvement with our church soon.  Generally, the retired minister can perform some ceremonies after consulting with the current minister. I hope this gives you some history of what generally happens when a minister retires from a church.

Thanks to all of you who make our church so great.
Board President,
Tim Hart

                                           MESSAGE FROM OUR INCOMING PRESIDENT

     Chet and I agreed that we would run if they couldn’t find anyone else. Guess what? No one is waiting in line for this opportunity.  With that said, I am honored and proud to serve as your President again with Chet as the Vice President.

     Libbie’s retirement is bitter sweet for all of us. We are happy for Libbie but change is difficult. We certainly are going to miss her quiet unassuming ways, her nurturing, her steadiness, patience, her intellect; the list could go on and on.  In preparing for this, a covenant agreement was proposed between Libbie and the church.

     Libbie’s original covenant proposal struck many of us as very negative and restrictive.  Several members rewrote it in an attempt to make it more positive. They did not find it necessary to spell out the restrictions but to rely on Libbie's integrity.

     Tim wrote in his President’s Message; “When a minister retires they break contact with their congregation so that the interim or replacement minister can fully take over ministerial duties."

     This may be true when the retiring minister is replaced by the incoming minister. Margaret is not an incoming minister replacing Libbie. Margaret's role remains the same as our part time minister, (part time Minister being an oxymoron).  We may not need a restrictive agreement and we probably will not agree on this issue. Time will tell. This is a decision for the congregation and the new board with guidance from the District.

Thank you and namaste,


Janie Garlow and Chet Perkins to Lead the Congregation in 2007-2008
The Rev. Stoddard Will Be Minister Emerita

 The annual Congregational Meeting was held on June 3 and as a result, Janie Garlow and Chet Perkins will be our President and Vice-president respectively for the 2007-2008 church year.  They have decided to approach the job of President as a joint effort to lessen the workload placed upon the President.  Judy Linder is Treasurer, Recording Secretary Ginny Glahn, Corresponding Secretary, Kurt Schindler, 3-year Trustee Arne Hook and Registrar Mike DiGiovanni.  Mary Perkins will begin a 3-year term on the nominating committee.  Thanks to all of the outgoing officers for their hard work and another thanks to the new officers for agreeing to take on these important positions within our church.


With a belief that The Rev. Stoddard's 9-years with us merits special designation, the following resolution was made and approved:  "The First Universalist Church of Central Square, New York, in gratitude and appreciation for the Rev. Libbie Deverich Stoddard's dedicated service, reflected in her preaching, her teaching and her counseling, is hereby awarded the title of Minister Emerita of our church, and is afforded all the rights and privileges therein.  The rights and privileges for Minister Emerita include voting rights at all future General Assembly sessions of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations and the ability to include the "Emerita" title on her personal correspondence.  The honorific is also intended to honor Libbie's entire ministerial career, not just her time with us."   Arne Hook noted after the vote that Libbie's long time friend and colleague, Rev. Robert Hadley, once declared when describing Libbie's work in Central Square, "Lucky parishioners!"  We couldn't agree more.  Thank you so much Libbie.
The 2007-2008 budget of $55,525 was adopted which is an almost $10,000 increase over last year.  Treasurer Judy Linder reported that we did not meet our budget for the 2006-2007 year because there were still about $1,000 in uncollected pledges and because many major fund raisers were scheduled late in the year placing us in a negative position 8 of the 12 months.  She noted that only $12,000 of the needed $33,000 has been pledged for this year.  Please contact Judy with your pledge for this fiscal year as soon as possible.


There were several committee reports given as well as updates and suggestions.  Briefly, Buildings and Grounds summarized the painting and door replacement projects that have been completed.  Arne Hook will be contacting the contractor that was to refurbish our front doors to see if his health has improved so he can do the job or if not a new contractor will be sought.  This year's projects include repair of water damage to the downstairs ceilings and replacement of carpets.  There may be need of a committee to work on some handicapped access issues.  Religious Education had a very active year with a very active teen program.  Ministerial Advisory is working on fulfilling the UUA Ministerial Advisory Committee's evaluation requirement for Rev. Hart.  Membership noted that 5 new members joined this past year fulfilling their goal.  Chet Perkins emphasized that the most important thing is to be a friendly congregation. The Worship Committee will be meeting once a month and said the biggest challenge facing the committee is Rev. Stoddard's retirement.  It is proposed that Rev. Hart will conduct 2 services a month, Andrea Abbott as a divinity student will conduct one per month and the 4th will either be lay led or a guest speaker or minister.  Social Justice will be setting up a library and bulletin board with information on how to live our values and principals and one specifically for Green Sanctuary.  The Organizational Task Force has been working with committees, defining goals, and looking for efficient methods of accomplishing them.  They send a special thanks to Bob Haskell for completely revising the bylaws.  They will be offered to the Board as soon as a lawyer OKs them and then it is planned to offer them to the congregation at a special meeting in the fall.  Chet Perkins and Winfield Ihlow reported that they have to possible candidates for the Administrative Assistant position and will take action to hire that person in the very near future.  Kurt Schindler suggested that the Annual Picnic be held the 3rd weekend in September at Goettel Park regularly and those in attendance agreed with the suggestion. 



08    7:00 p.m. video / discussion
10    9:00 Worship Committee   
       10:30 Rev. Libbie Stoddard leads worship, delivering Charles’
        Moore’s sermon topic from the auction
15    6:00 p.m. Social Justice Committee
17    Happy Fathers Day
        10:30 The youth will lead worship
20    9:15 Coffee and Chat at Panera’s
24    Flower Communion- 10:30 Rev. Margaret Hart leads worship
29    7:30 Mad Agnes concert at church

01    10:30 Sunday Service
08    10:30 Sunday Service & Reception for Rev. Libbie Stoddard
15    10:30 Rev. Margaret Hart
22    10:30 Rita Thornton

Chanting and Meditation Tuesday evenings at 6:45 PM

June 5 Chanting & Meditation Cancelled
Men’s Group Wednesday evenings at 6:47


If you would prefer a hardcopy of the newsletter please let me know and I will be happy to send it to you. Janie at