Circle of Fellowship

The First Universalist Church of Central Square

A Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Rev. Margaret Hart, Minister 625-4485               

Rev. Libbie Stoddard, Assoc. Minister 343-4352

Janie Garlow, President 436-2238                   

Ronna Schindler, Religious Education Coordinator 623-7685

Rita Thornton, Organist & Choir Director 669-6961

Our Church Building Is Handicapped Accessible

P. O. Box 429 Routes 49 West & 11                 Central Square, NY 13036 (315) 668-6821


May 2006

The mission of the First Universalist Church of Central Square is to be a welcoming, diverse congregation, which values spiritual growth and service to the local and world communities.


Dear friends,

It is spring, a time of growth and renewal. Spring is often a time of major cleaning, and a time
of planting. As with the new year, it can be a time of new beginnings...a time of widening horizons... a time to look beyond the usual parameters of our lives.

We are in the midst of our annual canvass, looking to raise the pledges that will enable us to do the
work of the church. But what is the work of the church? The answer is a work in progress, which
depends upon the input of many. Members of the Board, and I, would love to hear from you.
We will be having our annual congregational meeting the first Sunday in June, and I hope many of
you will participate. Our church operates on congregational polity, so hearing each voice is
important. I urge you to consider what this church means to you, and how you will participate in this coming year.

With gratitude for all that you do, and hope for our future together,

Margaret Hart


The annual meeting of the First Universalist Society of Central Square will be held immediately following the Sunday Service on June 4.

The Agenda includes:

* Receiving annual reports from incumbent officers and committee chairs

* Consideration and adoption of the budget for the next fiscal year

* Election of officers

The bylaws provide that members of the church 18 years or older shall have the power to vote. Any member of the church under 18 years shall have the right of voice. All are welcome!


                                                                                                                                                                Janie Garlow, President


The income during April was $3152.00 with $2136.00 from pledges and $309.00 from the Easter special collection. Expenses were $4021.00. Donations of $411.00 were received for the Building Improvement Fund. If you made a "Fair Share" pledge it is needed as we will be making our end of the year payment to the UUA in the next couple of weeks.

                                                                                                                Chet Perkins, Treasurer


The video discussion group will meet at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 19th.

One of the videos to be shown and discussed is a segment from PBS' "Charlie Rose" in which
Newsweek managing editor Jon Meacham, substitute host, interviews Garry Wills, author of "What Jesus Meant," and Kevin Phillips, author of "American Theocracy."

All are welcome to attend.

                                                                                                                                                                Bob Haskell


On April 28 & 29 the Rev. Margaret Hart, Ellen LaPine and myself, Janie Garlow, attended the St. Lawrence District's Annual Assembly on the beautiful shores of Seneca Lake in Geneva. It was hosted by the wonderful people of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canandaigua. The theme for this year's assembly was Making Our Voices Heard Our keynote speaker, Helio Fred Garcia is advisor to the UUA on Public Witness. This dynamic speaker told us it is time to reclaim the language of religion on social issues. He said it is time to challenge the Christian Right with the Gospel and he cited many interpretations of the "book". Over the decades progressive religions have been marginalized. He said that it is time to reclaim Unitarian Universalist traditional influence on social policy. Right on!

We sang. We attended workshops. We shared stories, ideas and concerns. It was great fun and inspiring. I wish all of you could have been there.

                                                                                                                                                                 Janie Garlow


The annual Gathering of Men will be held again this year at Camp Unirondack. We will be sharing the wealth of our experiences from the evening of June 9th through the afternoon of June 11th. The cost for food and lodging is $60 per person. A wonderful opportunity for men to be manly or let their feminine side show with out judgement. Laughs, sharing and learning experiences are all included for the small fee. Brochures available in the East Room of church. Any questions, ask Kurt Schindler or Winfield Ihlow.


The next Coffee and Chat will take place at Panera Bread, Route 31, town of Clay, at 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, May 17th. All women of the church are invited to attend this social occasion.

                                                                                                                                                                                Nancy Haskell


Our choir rehearses Sunday mornings starting at 9:30a.m. On May 13th we will have our ususal second Saturday of every month extended choir rehearsal from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Anyone interested in singing is welcome to join us.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Rita Thornton

                                                                                                                                                                                    Choir Director



Please have items for the next newsletter to me by no later than Noon on Saturday, June 3rd. If you can send your articles to me at early it would be a big help. Ellen LaPine


On May 14th, MOTHERS DAY, there will be a breakfast at the church honoring MOM. We will be serving a variety of pancakes, turkey bacon, bagels, fresh fruit and beverages. Every member of the church and all of their MOMS and acquaintances are invited. The food will be served from 9:00 am to 10:15 am. Please plan to share this FREE meal with us.

                                                                                                                                                                                Kurt Schindler



On Saturday, April 22nd, Rev. Libbie Stoddard officiated over the wedding of Donna Recore and David Tesoriero at their home in Oswego. Congratulations and best wishes to Donna and David!


The St. Lawrence District is partnering with the UUA in an innovative project to make UUA Fundraising Consultation available to six or seven congregations at a reduced cost. We are fortunate to be hosting this workshop on May 20 from 9:30 to 4:30. You are welcome to attend or help. For registration or more information, please contact Janie Garlow at 436-2238 or

̈ Introductory Workshop: Share what is working; learn about fresh approaches; expand your capabilities.

̈ Congregational Assessment: Review your congregation’s fundraising history, capacity, and progress on fundamentals needed for success; Identify services appropriate for your situation and goals. Includes a group workshop plus an opportunity for your leadership team to meet individually with the UUA consultant to assess your fundraising capacity and goals.

̈ Stewardship Workshop: How to make your annual pledge campaign more successful and more enjoyable.

̈ Searching for the Future: Learn how to involve your congregation in the process of developing a fresh vision and mission, energizing your members to fund it.


We had our first Adopt a Highway cleanup of the year on May 6th after a rain out on April 22nd.

Duck certificates will be available next week to sell as a fund raiser and a way to support Community Wide Dialogue's DUCK RACE TO END RACISM. The event is to be held June 10th at the Inner Harbor. More details will be posted at church.

The plans to arrange a group trip to Syracuse Stage to see a Sunday Matinee of Menopause the Musical has not worked out. I am going to abandon it unless someone can help plan a weekday show time agreeable to 10 people.

Hope you are all enjoying the delicious Fair Trade coffee after church. I will be putting out a Fair Share jug for donations toward the cost.

I invite everyone to partcipate on this committee, call me with ideas.

                                                                                                                                                                    Nancy Hallock,

                                                                                                                                                                    Social Justice Committee Chairperson



(and their friends, the perennials)!

We have started beautifying the ramp this past Sunday thanks to the donation of 4 hosta plants from the Plant Sale and two Lemon Lily clumps from Mary Perkins' garden. She tells me they originally came from a past organist of our church who lived next door where the parking lot for the bank now exists. I feel like we're returning them home. Bob Emborski took a few minutes to plant them and Steve Garlow has promised to roto-till a patch on each side of the ramp to add more Hosta and other perennials.

My rules in my own garden are that 1) they must be perennial, 2) they must not be fussy, and 3) once in the ground they MUST take care of themselves! I'd like to see plantings down the length of each side of the ramp. If we have enough donations, we might extend plants along the foundation.

As you divide and decide the fate and placement of your flowering perennials, please think about bringing them to church to help the cause. It'll only take a minute or two to pop them out of yours and plant them in ours. Thanks!

                                                                                                                                                                            Sheila Emborski


A learning community rooted in Unitarian Universalist values.

July 23 thru 29, 2006

Hobart & William Smith colleges, Geneva, NY

~ There will be two schools this year ~

Leadership Development School (Just a great as ever)

This EAGLES is for you if you are interested in developing your congregational leadership abilities and increasing your confidence as a lay leader

Congregational Development and Growth School (New)

This Eagles is for you if you are looking for ways to keep your congregation healthy, receptive and growing.

'The participant, the congregation, and the district share the cost of the school.

For more information contact: Janie Garlow at or visit the St Lawrence District website:



Racism: The Power of An Illusion

Using a combination of PBS documentary videos, the Emmy award-winning movie Crash, and discussions, we will explore how race is an illusion which carries tremendous power. Sessions are scheduled for three Saturdays in June (June 3rd, 11-4; June 17th, 11-1:30, and June 24th, 11-3). Please sign up at church or e-mail me at or call 625-4485.

You are encouraged to bring a bag lunch; beverages will be provided. Please plan to come to all three sessions; if you have to miss some, please let me know in advance. Hope you can come!

                                                                                                                                                                    Rev. Margaret Hart

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

                                                                                                                                                                Eleanor Roosevelt



The SAGE Potluck on Sunday, May 21 at 4 PM. This is a group of LGBT people usually forty and older but not necessarily. We ask everyone to bring a dish to pass (light in the dessert area) or a beverage.

For more information contact: Mary Gillen at


Our church has a bottle account with the North Country Redemption Center in Central Square. Take your returnable bottles to the center or if you prefer, Larry Linder has graciously offered to return them for you if you bring them to him at church. The value of the bottles redeemed will be credited to our church. If you choose to return them yourself, you may enter the center from either Route 4 or Route 11. The center is located next to the Gun Shop.

The center's hours are Mondays, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Fridays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and the first and third Saturdays of the month, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The center is closed on Tuesdays and Sundays, and on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month.


A Memorial Service was held for Will Saunders, father of Zoe Saunders and dear friend of Lisa Harter, on March 23, 2006. Our thoughts and prayers go to Zoe, Lisa and their families.


We have weekly e-mail announcements of coming events at the church. If you are not receiving them and would like to, please contact Janie Garlow at 436-2238 or at Mary Perkins has offered to print the announcements and send them to folks who are not on line.


Everyone is invited to sign up in the East Room of the church for hospitality and greeter duties for our Sunday morning worship services. Hospitality duties include providing a snack and juice and hosting the social hour. Greeters welcome people at the door, pass out the orders of service and take up the collection.

We also need people to sign up to bring flowers for the altar. Rita says the price for her to get the flowers has been lowered to $20. Those bringing flowers are asked to sign the sheet on the table in the East Room stating in whose honor or in whose memory the flowers are provided.


We are selling centennial cookbooks at the bargain price of $7.00 each. Lots of time tested recipes shared by the wonderful cooks in our congregation. Desserts and salads for those picnics this summer as well as wonderful meal ideas. Please contact Mary Perkins at for your copy or call her at 668-6719.


For music and interviews on topics of interest to religious liberals go to UURadio.Org. The purpose is to increase public understanding of UU principles and values as well as serving the public interest by featuring guests representing other community organizations. The program may now be heard on the World Wide Web both in streaming audio and as a Podcast at


Remember the Downstairs Scotty as you shop. If we can remember to buy just one or two extra boxes of tissue, some toothpaste, soap or the like we when we shop, we can be a big help to this local program with out church’s donations of non-food items. Our collection box is in the East Room, under the water dispenser.


MAY 15, 22. 29 & JUNE 5: *7:00 p.m. Chanting & Meditation meeting

MAY13: *9:30 a.m. Extended Choir Rehearsal

MAY 14: (Mother’s Day) *9:00-10:15 - Free Mother’s Day Breakfast, *9:30 a.m. - Choir practice. *10:30 a.m.-Worship service Rev. Libbie Stoddard, *11:00 a.m. - Religious Education.

MAY 17: *9:15 a.m. Coffee & Chat @ Panera Bakery.

MAY 19: *7:00 Video and Discussion Group

MAY 20: *9:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. UUA/SLUDD Stewardship Project

MAY 21: *9:30 a.m.-Choir practice. *10:30 a.m.-Worship service, Centennial Committee . *11:00 a.m. - Religious Education.

MAY 28: *9:30 a.m.-Choir practice. * 10:30 a.m.-Worship service, Rev. Libbie Stoddard. *11:00 a.m. - Religious Education.

JUNE 3: *11:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. Adult RE "Racism: The Power of an Illusion". *Noon - Newsletter Deadline

JUNE 4: *9:30 a.m.-Choir practice. *10:30 a.m.-Worship service, Rev. Margaret Hart. *11:00 a.m.-Religious Education. *11:30 a.m. Annual Congregational Meeting.

JUNE 9-11: *Annual Gathering of Men at Unirondack.

JUNE 10: *Interreligious Council Duck Race

JUNE 17 & 24: * Adult RE "Racism: The Power of an Illusion" parts 2 & 3.