Circle of Fellowship

The First Universalist Church of Central Square

A Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Rev. Margaret Hart, Minister 625-4485

Rev. Libbie Stoddard, Assoc. Minister 343-4352

Tim Hart, President 625-4485

Ronna Schindler, Religious Education Coordinator 623-7685

Rita Thornton, Organist & Choir Director 669-6961

Our Church Building Is Handicapped Accessible

P. O. Box 429 Routes 49 West & 11

Central Square, NY 13036 (315) 668-6821

September 2006

The mission of the First Universalist Church of Central Square is to be a welcoming, diverse congregation, which values spiritual growth and service to the local and world communities.


Dear friends,

As I write this, the summer is winding down and September is fast-approaching. There is a flurry of activity as the RE rooms are being prepared for the return of the children. We will soon be holding our Water Ceremony as part of our Ingathering Sunday on September 10. Each of us will have the opportunity to pour a small sample of water from our summers into a common vessel, along with sharing a few words regarding the water's significance. It will be good to be together again.

Listening to the rain falling in the middle of the night, I felt grateful that we have sufficient clean water which falls in our area, replenishing the lakes, streams, and the earth. I was also grateful
for my safe dry home, as I considered people who live in flood plains, hurricane zones, mud huts, and out in the open.

It strikes me that we have much for which to be grateful as we start this new church year. We have an opportunity to share this sense of gratitude and our time, treasure, and talent. Let us find new and creative ways to contribute to our church community, and to our world. Let us begin by taking a moment to invite someone to come with us to church on September 10. The Membership Committee has designated that as "Invite a Friend to Church" Sunday. Unitarian
Universalism is a well-kept secret. And yet, many of us have benefitted by having that secret shared with us. Let us extend the favor, and reach out to others with an invitation.

See you in church.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        Margaret Hart


Our choir rehearses Sunday mornings starting at 9:30a.m. On September 9 we will have our usual second Saturday of every month extended choir rehearsal from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Anyone interested in singing is welcome to join us.

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It's coming up quick! I'm looking for raffle items, bake sale items, craft items/vendors. October 21 seems SO FAR away, but it really isn't. If you can provide any of the above items or information on where to get them, please call me and let me know. I've sold some tables, but there is always room for more. If you've run across a craft you think would make a good addition to the show, get the information to me so I can contact them. We'll be looking toward bake sale and volunteers to staff the kitchen lunch counter, raffle tables, hosting, and bake sale. It'll get busy quickly.

I am also looking for my replacement! Because Bob and I will probably move to Ithaca sometime between next summer and Christmas 2007 this will have to be my last year as organizer of the craft fair. If someone came on board to work with me this year, it would provide that person(s) with a coach and experience to organize the Marketplace for 2007. I would love to work with
someone who could take it on after this year. Please consider this opportunity. It really is fun to do. Thanks for all your help in the past and for the help I know will come for this year, too.

                                                                                                                                                                                                Sheila Emborski 669-6419


What can you expect at the Saturday, September 30 Adult RE workshop? You will be challenged to be thoughtful, imaginative and questioning. We promise you this will not be a lecture on ethics, biodiversity or recycling. The workshop will include poems and essays by Hermann Hesse, David Bumbaugh, Nikki Giovanni and others. We will start at 11 a.m. and run until 1:30 p.m. with a break for lunch. Please bring your lunch and favorite writing instrument. Coffee and tea will be provided. There is a sign-up sheet for the workshop in the East Room.


I'd like to thank everyone who has pledged to the Building Fund. We have collected $4,406 toward the doors and windows. We have paid $5,975 to restore the window in the East Room. As you can see, we are behind on collecting for the restoration of the doors and window. We have outstanding pledges of $1,910 for the year. If you can, please try to send in your installment payments for the Building Fund. Checks can be mailed to:

The First U. U. Church of Central Square
P.O. Box 429
Central Square, NY 13036

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Judy Linder



I will be one of the guides for the teen Religious Education group this year. I've been brainstorming with some teens and some oldsters to come up with program ideas for this year. I think it would be great to have a focus for a project this year. Road trips, overnights, the sky's the limit. I need your input!!! We want to reach out to others to improve their life situations and have a little feel good, pat ourselves on the back time too. Tell your folks that you need to be at church on Sunday September 10,2006. Bring some great ideas.

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Lots of good things are happening at our church. Our Centennial celebration has brought some interesting speakers to our pulpit over the summer, Jane and Hartley Martin in July and Karen Dau in August. We're looking forward to hearing from Chet and Mary Perkins in September and Rev. Laine Hauxhurst in October. Laine led the service for our 75th anniversary celebration, and will reflect back on that time. We'll be coming together on September 10 for our first service of the fall. Please remember that this is the Water Ceremony and Bring a Friend to Church Sunday. I have invited Central Square's new superintendent of schools, and she is fairly certain that she will attend.


In early October (6-7), the New York State Convention of Universalists will be holding their annual meeting and conference in Albany. There will be a legislative advocacy day. On Friday evening a readers' theatre presentation will focus on the lives of early Universlists John Murray and his wife Judith Sargeant Murray. On Saturday, there will be a follow-up workshop on famous Unitarian Universalists depicted in readers' theatre presentations as well as many other workshops such as: archiving, quilting, hand-bell-ringing, religion and politics do mix, creating a culture of connection and community. Another high point of the conference will be the keynote speaker, Michael Schuler, the minister of the UU church in Madison, Wisconsin, which has grown from 600 to 1400 members. He will be speaking about the connection between excellence and growth. We are allowed several delegates from our church (free registration, paid mileage, and $30 toward your room if you are staying Friday night). See me if you are interested in attending this conference.

Later in October (the 21st) we will be hosting the Village Marketplace (a craft show). We have preliminary commitments from the following: Roy Reehil whose publishing company Forager Press features books about nature and Adirondack Mountain history; our antique appraiser from last year; and canoe-maker Bob Green from Fulton (Roy and Bob were featured in the August 10 Neighbors section of the Post-Standard- see bulletin board).

The UU ministers and board presidents from this region have been meeting about monthly at the church in Central Square. Minutes from our last meeting are posted on the bulletin board. You may also want to access the St. Lawrence District web site for up-coming workshops and events.

If you have joys or concerns about different aspects of our church's functioning, please direct them to the committee chairperson for that area:

Worship & Music:  Andrea Abbott 635-7122
Buildings & Grounds:   Arnie Hook 635-7122
Publicity:  Sheila Emborski 668-6419
Membership:  Chet Perkins 668-6719
Religious Education:  Winfield Ihlow 342-5939
Web Page:  Marcia Burrell-Ihlow 342-5939
Social Justice:  Nancy Hallock 675-8357
Altar Betty Figie:  668-6951
Centennial:  Mike DiGiovanni 695-4383
Ministerial Relations:  Kate Stanton 676-7187
Finance:  Judy Linder 420-4567
Committee Task Force:  Mary Perkins 668-6719
Newsletter:  Ellen LaPine 675-3385

Many thanks to all of you who serve as committee chairs and to all of you who serve in a variety of different ways.  If you would be willing to serve on any of these committees please contact the chairperson.  We are in GREAT NEED of a UU Circle president.  If you have any inclination to serve in this capacity, I would be more than happy to assist you in all aspects of the job.  We are also looking for volunteers to help out in the nursery one Sunday per month.  See Winfield
Ihlow, RE chairperson, if you would like to help in this area.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Tim Hart, Board President


On October 1, 2006 The Rev. Laine Hauxhurst, minister of our church 1978 - 1985 will be in the pulpit for Centennial Sunday. The title of her sermon is "Re-membering" The theme is "Let us join together what time has put asunder." Please plan on attending as we continue to celebrate our first 100 years!



The Video Discussion Group will meet again at the church at 7 p.m. on Friday, September 8. Those attending will view and discuss the third episode in the PBS series "Bill Moyers on Faith and Reason." During the series, Moyers explores the ideas of leading thinkers as to whether religion and reason can peacefully co-exist. Each program features a conversation with one or two of the writers who attended the PEN World Voices Festival in New York last April. In this episode, Moyers interviews British novelist Jeanette Winterson and Will Power. Born in Manchester, England, in 1959, Jeanette Winterson was adopted as an infant by working-class Pentecostal parents and raised in the small English mill town of Accrington. By the age of 12, she was reciting the Bible by heart and preaching sermons on street corners. By 16, she was an outcast from the church, having fallen in love with another teenage girl and left home. Much of the turmoil of Winterson's early life was recounted in her acclaimed first novel, ORANGES ARE NOT THE ONLY FRUIT, which made her a sensation in the British literary world and earned her the 1985 Whitbred Prize for best first novel. Since then, she has written nearly a dozen more novels.
Will Power is an award-winning actor, rapper, composer, playwright, and educator whose pioneering fusion of traditional drama, African storytelling, and hip-hop sensibilities is helping transform modern theater.

All are welcome to attend.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bob Haskell


The CNY Chapter of CUUPS will be hosting a Pagan Retreat Weekend at Camp Unirondack the weekend of September 22-24.  More Information will be posted on the Unirondack website as it becomes available or you can call Jody Brown (476-0447) for a brochure.


The first weekly meeting of our Men's Group will be held on September 13 at 6:47 PM at the church. We will be sharing a number of varied activities through the year. Most important is the sharing and supporting of our members life experiences. We will have a few road trips to places like Rudy's in Oswego, miniature golf, par 3 golf, "guy flicks", New Zealand, and Mt. Everest with a side trip to Aruba. Yes we will have some self improvement programs and the ever popular Joke of the Week. The group is meant to support and elevate our selves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If you have any questions, call me at 623-7685 or 247-0432. See you there and then.

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On August 11 at Camp Hollis in Oswego Heidi Susan Conland and John David Sheffield were married . Rev. Libbie Stoddard performed the ceremony. Congratulations and best wishes to Susan and David.


Hello. I am writing to welcome you, your family and especially your children back to the Religious Education Program at First Universalist for the coming year.

Religious Education serves a number of related purposes for our congregation. For the tiniest children, their safe supervision in a nursery will allow parents the peace of mind to attend the services in the sanctuary, knowing that their children are well cared for. For the elementary aged students, the parents can have the same peace of mind, and be confident that their children will engage in activities that are enriching and supportive of our Unitarian Universalist Principals
and Community. For the teenage students, the RE Program will offer participation in community projects and activities that will enable the youth to develop into confident and responsible adult members of the UU community and the community of the wider world. All in all, the goal of
UU RE Program is the promotion a community of participants and citizens who work with courage and knowledge for social peace and justice.

Regular attendance by the children is essential to the success of the community building and spiritual development that we strive for in our religious education. The RE committee is asking the parents to please help us in providing our Religious Education by endeavoring to bring
the children as regularly as possible to Religious Education. This will enable the classes to work on extended projects and activities. Planning and development will be maximized and the students gain greater benefits from the UU Religious Education Program.

Among our initiatives for the vitality of our Religious Education Program, we will begin with a survey of the parents, in order to find out what you expect for their children from RE. This survey will help us in determining activities and projects that will be satisfying for both parent and child while keeping consistent with UU Principals.

Also, the RE Committee thought that for the sake of the confidence of the parents, registration forms and information sheets will be mandatory. This will allow us to be more systematic in recording relevant information about the students. Such things as contact information of responsible adult, favorite activities, allergies, etc. All of this information will be secured in a locked file and held confidentially.

As part our RE Program, both now and in the future, the RE committee is requiring a background check of all adults who work with the children. We are making the effort to insure the safety of our children. The cost of the individual background checks will be subsidized by our insurance

Ronna will again be working with the children from age 4 through grade 6. I feel the projects and activities that my daughter did in RE classes were all fun, enriching and nurturing to her spiritual development.

To help Ronna, we will need 2 or 3 adults willing to volunteer as backup or reserve teachers. If Ronna is absent on a Sunday morning, we need to have someone in place to fill in with the children. We are asking those who are willing to help out to please sit in with her one or two times to observe how she conducts her classes. Then, when the need arises the backup teacher can fill and the continuity of the lessons continue. We will be asking the entire congregation for volunteers. Please consider being a volunteer.

The RE Program will be organizing a nursery for children age 3 and under. The nursery will be available during the service in the RE wing on the main floor. We will be asking adults in our congregation to volunteer for staffing the nursery one (1) Sunday per month. By getting 4 adults

willing to volunteer for this service to the church, no single adult will need to miss all services in the sanctuary on Sundays when there are small children in attendance. By getting congregation members to volunteer we can keep our church costs down. Our second option would be to hire someone to come in every Sunday to run the nursery. This would mean monies being paid out whether or not the nursery is utilized.

The third part of our Religious Education Program will be for the teenaged students in the congregation. This will include students who are in 7th grade up through the end of high school. Teen participation in the church is a crucial area for the sustenance and growth of our membership. There will be space in the church building that will be exclusively a "teen" space. This year, we would like the teens to get together at the earliest possible time and determine a community service project or possibly two that they may be interested in pursuing. This decision will be principally their own. These projects will be extended and multi-week
. With the teens deciding their own projects, is our hope that this will inspire commitment to participation. There will be guidance of their decisions and activities, but just enough to keep them on track.
The teens will be welcome to invite any of their friends from outside the church to participate as well.

There will be more notes about the RE Program in the future. I hope that you find these new ideas as exciting as we do. We are looking forward to a new RE year starting for our kids.

Winfield Ihlow
For the Religious Education Committee
At First Universalist Society of Central Square


Hi everyone. As I check my mail, I find that a letter I sent to Harriet Dahl was returned to me. She's one of my vendors for the Marketplace. Anyone know how I can get in touch with her? Thanks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                Sheila Emborski 668-6419


Thank you to everyone who sent me articles for this newsletter. All were to me by the early deadline and it made putting this together much easier. The deadline for the October newsletter is Saturday, September 30 at noon. As always, any articles that you can send to me early at would be a big help.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ellen LaPine

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Newsletter Editor


Join your neighbors in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease at the annual Alzheimer’s Associations’s Memory Walk. The event raises public awareness, and funds for local services for people with the disease, their families, and care givers. The Alzheimer’s Association’s Memory Walk is the largest national fundraising event for support programs for Alzheimer’s disease. Memory Walk 2006 will take place on September 16 at Syracuse’s Inner Harbor. Learn more by visiting or calling 800-272-3900


In this election year many congregations are getting involved in the political process. Here are the political activities that are permitted without risking loss of tax-free status:

Generally speaking congregations can support issues, but not candidates or political parties. It’s generally OK to work publicly on moral and political issues such as poverty, abortion or death penalty, and to educate and register voters in a nonpartisan manner. Rules about what congregations can and cannot do concerning lobbying, elections, and supporting candidates and issues are on the website of the UUA’s Washington Office at Click on Advocacy Resources and look for The Real Rules: Congregations and IRS Guidelines on Advocacy, Lobbying, and Elections.


Tuesdays: *6:45 p.m. Chanting & Meditation

Sept 8: *7:00 p.m. Video Discussion Group

Sept 9: * 9:30 a.m. Extended Choir Rehearsal

Sept 10: *Invite a Friend to Church Sunday, *9:00 a.m. Board Meeting. *9:30 a.m. Choir Practice. *10:30 a.m. Worship service Rev. Margaret Hart, Water Communion, 11:00 Religious Education.

Sept 13: *6:47 p.m. First Weekly Men’s Group Meeting

Sept 17: * 9:30 a.m. Choir Practice. *9:30 a.m. RE committee meeting. *10:30 a.m. Worship service, Centennial Committee, lead by Chet and Mary Perkins. *11:00 Religious Education. *Annual Church Picnic at Meldrim’s Farm immediately following the service

Sept 20: * 9:15 a.m. Coffee and Chat

Sept 24: * 9:30 a.m. Choir Practice. *9:30 a.m. Membership Committee Meeting. *10:30 a.m. Worship service, Rev. Margaret Hart. *11:00 Religious Education

Sept 27: *8:30 a.m. UU Minister’s and Board President’s Meeting

Sept 30: *11:00 a.m. Adult RE. *Noon Newsletter Deadline

October 1: *9:00 a.m. Board Meeting. * 9:30 a.m. Choir Practice. *10:30 a.m. Worship service, Centennial Committee, lead by Rev. Laine Hauxhurst. *11:00 Religious Education

October 6 & 7: * NYS Convention of Universalists Convention

October 8: *9:30 a.m. Choir Practice. *10:30 a.m. Worship Service Rev. Libbie Stoddard. *11:00 Religious Education.

October 21: *Marketplace Craft Fair